METROPOLITAN │Air-conditioned office premises for rent in Bratislava

  • 1,800€/per month
Trnavská cesta, Bratislava - Ružinov
METROPOLITAN │Air-conditioned office premises for rent in Bratislava
Trnavská cesta, Bratislava - Ružinov
  • 1,800€/per month

Popis / Description

METROPOLITAN │Partially furnished air-conditioned offices for rent in Bratislava

The premises are located on the 1st floor (3) in a building with an elevator.
Office consists of an entrance hall, 4 separate offices, a meeting room, a server room, a kitchen (refrigerator, microwave oven, dishwasher) and 2 separate toilets (women’s and men’s). The offices have 2 entrances, from the commercial side and from the residential side.

The premises are air-conditioned (5 air conditioning units).
Possibility to rent 10 parking spaces in the underground garage in the stackers. (70 euros/month for 1 parking space)

The rent is €10/month/m2. Utility fees will be added to the rent. (approx. 350 euros/month)


ID nehnuteľnosti
Úžitková Plocha
180 m2
Rok výstavby

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  • MetropolitanEstates
  • + 421 948 277 928
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