METROPOLITAN │Apartment for rent in Bratislava

  • 1,300€/per month
Popradská, Bratislava - Podunajské Biskupice
METROPOLITAN │Apartment for rent in Bratislava
Popradská, Bratislava - Podunajské Biskupice
  • 1,300€/per month

Popis / Description

METROPOLITAN │ Modern2-bedroom house in Bratislava for rent is located in a quiet area. On the lower floor is a living room connected with fully equipped kitchen, technical room and toilet. On the upper floor are 2 bedrooms (on with a balcony) and bathroom with a bathtub and toilet. House in Bratislava for rent is furnished with high quality furniture, air conditioned and secured with alarm.

2 Parking spaces are available.

It is necessary to pay 2x deposit

Energies and utilities (150 EUR/ month) will be added to rent.

The apartment is located in a quiet part of Bratislava in a location with complete civic amenities, close to shops, food, services, restaurants and cafes. There is also a children’s playground and a park with lots of greenery near the apartment. From the part in which the apartment is located, there is good access to any part of Bratislava by public transport, car or tram.

Available from 24.2.2025


ID nehnuteľnosti
Úžitková Plocha
110 m2
Rok výstavby

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  • MetropolitanEstates
  • + 421 948 277 928
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