METROPOLITAN │Office space in brand new building in Bratislava – 3rd f

  • 8€/m2
Elektrárenská, Bratislava - Nové Mesto
METROPOLITAN │Office space in brand new building in Bratislava – 3rd f
Elektrárenská, Bratislava - Nové Mesto
  • 8€/m2

Popis / Description

Office space in Bratislava for rent is located on the 3rd floor (5) in brand new building in Nove Mesto. Total area of 150 m2, disposition can be modified upon request. Every office space has kitchen, 2 toilets and technical room, is air conditioned and has floor heating. Offices will be finished (floor, walls etc.) upon agreement with the tenant. Reserved parking can be rented for additional fee. In the case of interest, cleint can rent whole floor (300 m2) and available storage space (60 m2). Energies and utilities are not included (energies + utilities for office 4€/m2/mont/tax not included, energies + utilities for storage space 2,90€/m2/month/tax not included).


ID nehnuteľnosti
Úžitková Plocha
150 m2
Rok výstavby

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  • MetropolitanEstates
  • + 421 948 277 928
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