METROPOLITAN │Property for SALE in Bratislava

  • 231,397€
Domkárska, Bratislava - Ružinov
METROPOLITAN │Property for SALE in Bratislava
Domkárska, Bratislava - Ružinov
  • 231,397€

Popis / Description

METROPOLITAN │EXCLUSIVE land in sought-after location for sale

The plot consists of:
– garden 58m2
– built-up area and courtyard 156m2
– built-up area and courtyard 72m2
– garden 290m2
– garden 968m2
The total size of the plot is 1553m2.

On the property there is a water and electricity connection No. 2 and 3. currently non-functional (disconnected).
There is no sewage system connected to the land. The sewer connection is located at ul. Parková-Domkárska no. 4.
The gas connection is located at the intersection of Parková and Domkárska streets No. 1.
Opposite the land at a distance of approx. 200 m2, there is a fully functional hotel Jurki.
Connection to the highway approx. 1400m from the property.
Connection to the railway 800m2.

Ways of using functional surfaces:
-Predominant: green linear area
-Permissible: In the territory it is permissible to place in particular – devices and lines of technical and transport equipment with protective zones
-Permissible to a limited extent: In the territory, it is permissible to place, in particular, to a limited extent:
– buildings for individual recreation outside the corridors of gas pipelines, water pipelines, and product pipelines
– small equipment related to the function
– highway rest stops, parking lots and parking lots
– facilities and lines of technical and transport equipment for servicing the territory
– facilities for the separate collection of waste of local importance, except for hazardous waste
– Inadmissible
– buildings and equipment not related to the function


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